Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Down-Sizing and Dairy-Free

A while back, Chris bought this blue shirt. It was tight when he bought it, but he bought it anyways. He also couldn't button the top button. This morning, he decided to try it on to see if it might fit. Looky looky, it DOES! Not only does it fit, but it is pretty loose and he can button the top button!!! I am so proud of him!! :o)
We've decided to be a dairy-free house. We have just become too disgusted with the dairy industry. I plan to start taking soy milk to the kids' school soon. David told me today that if they don't drink their milk at school, they don't get dessert. :(
I recently found out that 75% of people are lactose intolerant. I wondered how that could be...but then I realized that people just become accustomed to it over time. I have always had trouble with ice cream, but if I eat it often enough, it doesn't bother me. When I became a vegan 1 1/2 years ago and then tried adding dairy back in, it made me very sick until I, once again, became used to it. I think it's crazy that people who are severly lactose intolerant would add additional chemicals into their body, through medicine, to be able to consume dairy. Let's listen to our bodies.
I also learned that people who drink 2+ glasses of milk per day were 50% more likely to develop cancer. Think about the changes that people make in their lives to avoid cancer by small percentages. FIFTY PERCENT!!! Come on!!
If you are a baby and are nursing, more power to you. If you are a calf needing to get to 1000 pounds, more power to you. Otherwise, you might want to stick to green leafy foods for your calcium.


  1. I agree with you, Rach. I told someone just a few days ago, "I don't drink milk, I'm not a baby cow". He looked at me like I was crazy and I just smiled.

    Way to go, Chris!! Keep up the good work. Tell him thanks for the info and I'm considering when I'll be able to follow through with the diet, as soon as possible.

    Thanks for starting this blog again, it makes me more motivated to be a stricter veg/vegan eater. Aside from ice cream and butter, I'm all dairy free, but that's not good enough. : )

    Keep it up, Burns Family. Your efforts will help others to see the truth, possibly starting with the school which requires milk drinking?

  2. Rach, have you ever tried Almond Milk? It's usually around the soy milk. I actually like it better than cow milk. What does your research say about other "milks" that are available? I've seen Hemp Milk, Almond Milk, Soy Milk, etc.

  3. Ellen, I have not tried any of the other milks, but plan to. Chris did not like almond, but we'll probably give it another shot, and try rice, as well. I haven't heard of hemp! Sounds groovy! ;)
