Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Happy Holiday

I had a great holiday season!! Christmas and celebrating the new year were fun, exciting, and meaningful occasions. The food was delicious. I ate waaaay too much and made some poor choices. Oh my! Cheesy potatoes, sugar cookies, and buckeyes were my downfalls. We've also had an abundance of pancakes in the Burns house. Chris and I are committing to running a 5k this Spring, though, so the over eating ends now. :) I am so excited to work on this goal together, as a couple. :) :)
I had 2 delicious vegetarian soups recently! Sweet Melissa's is a little restaurant/bakery across the street from the church. On New Year's Eve, the kids and I took Aunt Lynda to see the church and then we all met up at Sweet Melissa's with Lynda's friends, MaryAnne and Anthony. Sweet Melissa's entire menu is wonderful. They have many healthy, colorful options. Lynda and I both chose the vegetarian chili and were NOT dissapointed. It was sooooooo sooooooo soooooo good, and only 4 dollars!! Oh my goodness, maybe you know how much I love chili, maybe not, but this was some of the best chili I have ever had. YUM-O!!! I hope to return to Sweet Melissa's many more times for the chili. Anyone want to meet me there?
Soup number 2 was my lunch today! Chris, the kids, and I had lunch at Panera with some friends from church. I decided to give the low fat vegetarian black bean soup a shot. This cracks me up bc in my former life, I would have disgusted just by the name of the soup and there I was ordering it....happily. I got my soup and was dissapointed by it's appearance. My friend, Lynn's, tomato soup was looking much more appealing (I gotta order that sometime, too). I hesitantly tried my black bean soup....and!!!! Yum Yum Yum. I was wishing I'd ordered fruit instead of the bagette. It is so funny how when you are eating healthy, you crave more healthy food! Cool!
Hooray for Sweet Melissa's and Panera!! :o)

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